Jesus Phone Home
Fridays are family movie nights at Siebenalerhaus. My favourite film of all-time is Spielberg's E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. So, how could I not be reminded of the Ascension everytime I watch the movie. Or let's be honest: how could I not be reminded of E.T. every time we encounter this Gospel.
Elliot begs, stay. He points to his heart and says, ouch. E.T. turns on his heart-light (yes, that's the inspiration of the Neil Diamond song—you're welcome), points to Elliot's forehead and says, I'll be right here.
This year, we have had to say goodbye to so many things and so many people. But the gospels remind us that our loved ones live on in our minds and hearts. And when we tap into that—or likewise tap into our discipleship with Jesus, we are hopefully moved to action. This year has been an incredible year of action in the face of oppression, generosity in the face of scarcity, and support in the face of neglect. For that, this community of St. Monica and those in need we serve thank you!
E.T. trusted Elliot just like Jesus trusts us. Let's live on in His love.